Friday, February 06, 2015


'For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified.' - Hebrews 10 vs 14

Beloved, do you know that Jesus did such an awesome work for the total salvation of our souls? Our opening scripture tells us that by one offering (the offering of His death) He has perfected (made Righteous) for ever them that are sanctified (believe in Him).

You see that? If only you will believe in Him that He died for your sins and rose again from the dead for your Justification, then He makes you Righteous, and you know what, that Righteousness is forever. That means, in the sight of God, you are as Righteous as Jesus is, this is not conditional to your good works, no, but because of the Grace of Jesus which is over you. Let us see Hebrews 7 vs 25;

'Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.' - {KJV}

Did you see that? The scripture said that Jesus is able to save COMPLETELY anyone who comes to God by Him. Dis you take note of the word COMPLETELY? Meaning He saves anyone that comes to Him eternally, that means they are eternally secured in Him. Why is that possible? It is, that same scripture tells us the reason why, it says seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them. Waow! Jesus in Heaven is still making intercessions for my sins, any time we sin, Jesus makes an automatic intercession for us. Let us see it again in 1 John 2 vs 1 - 2;

'My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous:

And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.' - {KING JAMES VERSION}

Can you see that? He says, if any man sins, he has an advocate (one that stands in the place of another at Court) with the Father. So when a man receives Jesus into His life as his Lord, Jesus becomes his high priest, standing in his place of sin continually before God, for the purpose of interceding for his sins continually. That's the duty of an High Priest, and the Bible tells us in {Hebrew 9 vs 11, Hebrews 10 v 21, Hebrews 4 vs 14 - 15} that Jesus is become our High Priest. So you see, sin has been dealt with, sin can never be the issue between you and God anymore, Jesus has handled that. Praise God forever.

So you see Jesus has done so much for man, and all He asks of them is that they receive what He has done for them already. And you know what, you can't know these things and not love Jesus. Ans when you love Jesus, your love for Him is what supernaturally causes you to please Him with your life in words, thoughts, character, and actions.

So you don't have to worry about pleasing God, just Receive Jesus, and His love in you will supernaturally cause you to please Him and to live according to His word. You can study these References for more insights; {1 John 4 vs 19, 2 Corinthians 5 vs 14, 1 John 2 vs 5}. Don't worry when you sin, for I tell you; no man who has known the Lord and what was done for him can go on sinning deliberately or willfully, no. But if for any reason you commit a sin, this' what the Bible has to say in 1 John 1 vs 9;

'If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.' - {KJV}

You see that? Simply go to your Savior in prayer, and ask Him for mercy for that sin, and immediately it will be given you. You known what? You didn't receive forgiveness for that sin after you asked for it, no, but you received forgiveness from the Father immediately you committed the sin. You know why? one of our scriptures above {1 John 2 vs 1 -2} tells us that if any man sins he has a Advocate with the Father which is Jesus Christ, who is the propitiation (atonement) for our sins. You see that? So coming to Jesus and asking for forgiveness is a proof of your love for Him that you love Him and are sorry for doing the thing that does not pleas Him. You see? When you love somebody, you are sorry when you offend him, your been sorry proves your love. - Think about it

Therefore my friend, never be worried or guilty when you sin or make a fault or a mistake, no. Wait a minute, why are you worried? If you could live Righteously Perfectly, Jesus wouldn't have had any need of coming. You couldn't be Righteous by yourself that's why He came, that He may give you the His Righteousness freely. You see? So let your faith stay on the Righteousness He gave you and not your imperfect righteousness, and you will see that literally your life is changing for the better unto His glory. You see? Look at what the Apostle said in 1 John 1 vs 8;

'If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.' - {KJV}

You see? No Christian can say he has no sin, no, not one, not even a Pastor, neither I Jenning writing to you. This is the scripture talking, so we see that even we Christians have sin, and if God should judge any of us outside his Righteousness, no matter how upright any of us may seem, we cannot stand. But thanks be unto God because God will never count any of our sins against us, why? Because He chose of His own will to save us completely {Hebrews 7 vs 25} and to make us Righteous forever {Hebrews 10 vs 14}. Therefore, if God will count any of our sins on us, it contradicts His Holy Word, and the Scriptures cannot be broken; therefore we are eternally secured in Him. O Hallelujah! Glory to God!! AMEN. Look at what the Bible says to this effect;

'...Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered.

Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin.' - Romans 4 vs 7 - 8 {KING JAMES VERSION}


'This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them;

And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more.' - Hebrews 10 vs 16 - 17 {KING JAMES VERSION}

Oooo did you see that? From the first scripture, that man who believes in Jesus is he whose sins are covered, he is he who the Lord will not impute sin on him for judgement. Then the next scripture confirms it so blessedly, it shows us how God was gonna put His laws into the hearts of them that believe, and was gonna write it in their minds. Remember Jesus gave us a new commandment/law in John 13 vs 34, and that commandment is LOVE. Therefore, God was saying here that He was gonna put His love in our hearts and write His love in our minds. O boiii, this means our thoughts are gonna be thoughts of love, our hearts full of live, we are gonna be thinking love thoughts. In our relationship with our neighbors (all those that comes in contact with us), our thoughts towards them are gonna be love thoughts, our approach towards life are gonna be filled with the love of God, and he went further to say that by the reason of that, their sins and their iniquities He will remember no more. That means God is not counting your mistakes on you if it be that you are a living a life of total love. - Selah. You see? Little wonder the word says in Romans 5 vs 5 that the love of God is shared abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which He has given us. When we understand what Jesus did and believe in Him, it is the Holy Ghost that implants that LOVE in our hearts, we are not the ones that developed that love by ourselves, no, but it is the Holy Ghost that planted it in. It's HIS duty, His responsibility.

All these are to confirm what the scripture said in Hebrews 9 vs 12;

'...having obtained eternal redemption for us.' - {KJV}

O I love that. Hahahahahaha, we have received eternal redemption, Glorrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyy! O boiiiii. The first day you were saved, you were saved, the next day you are still saved (In-spite that sin you committed), the next day you are still saved, the next year you are still saved, the next 30 years, you are still saved, Oooooo Jesus, it's an eternal redemption brother, it's an eternal redemption sister, you can't go to Hell! This Revelation in your spirit alone will purge your dead conscience and all your bad habits, and give you a renewed spirit in serving God. Look at it;

'How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?' - Hebrews 9 vs 14 {KJV}

If you observe very carefully in the verse 13 of that scripture, you will see that he made mention of the blood of bulls and goats which was able to purify the flesh, how much more the Blood of Jesus is able also to purge our conscience from dead (sinful) works. You see? Any one who truly comes to Jesus receives a new heart that loves Righteousness and hates evil. This truth was prophetically uttered in Ezekiel 36 vs 26 - 27 and Ezekiel 11 vs 19 - 20. Please look into them.


So you see my Beloved, God can't be counting our sins against us and yet tell us in His Word that we've been Perfected {Forgiven, made Righteous} forever. - Selah. Oooo, we are eternally secured in the Lord Jesus Christ, with an assured hope of Heaven. O Hallelujah!

This is the Gospel of liberty my Dearly Beloved, why don't you go ahead and believe in the resurrection of Jesus right now, confessing Him with your mouth as the Lord of your life, and thereby secure your eternity with Him? Come on.

Congratulation on your salvation, you shall never perish. {John 3 vs 16, John 10 vs 28}

God Bless You.
- Jenning U. Angel

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