Saturday, September 21, 2019


'And he gave some, apostles; and some prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers...' - Ephesians 4 vs 11

Hello dearly beloved in the Lord Jesus. Greetings to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus His Son.

There are many Believers today who actually don't know the differences between the Apostle, the Prophet, the Evangelist, the Pastor/Teacher. Also take note that it is four (4) Ministry Gifts given to the Church and not five (5) as many think. The office of a Teacher is the same as the office of a Pastor; they are not different offices, and the Apostle Paul did not intend to tell us that they are different, but many people interpret Ephesians 4 vs 11 as five (5) ministry gifts simply because of the way the King James version puts it. The Message Bible Translation will give us a clearer view of this passage. Let's see it;

'He handed out gifts of apostle, prophet, evangelist, and pastor-teacher...'

Did you see the way it is put here? together, telling us that the Apostle Paul did not intend to depict they are different offices. Wait, let's explain the King James version of this. In the King James, it says, Pastors and Teachers. Now, for example, in English-Language, it will be wrong to say, "The Tailor and the Principal is around". Why? Because that word 'the' appears twice in front of the both subjects, hence, the statement cannot be addressed as a singular, but as a plural. Therefore, it is right to say, "The Tailor and Principal is around". You see? The absence of the second 'the' in the statement, shows us that the person is both the tailor and the principal; hence, that's a singular statement. - Think about it. You see that? that's the case here. If it was put as "some pastors and some teachers", the double appearance of "some" is the differentiation of their distinctiveness. But since "some" appeared only once, it denotes that the Pastor is the Teacher being talked about. Now let's draw explanation on this from the Greek dictionary also. The word 'and' used in that phrase some, pastors and teachers... is the word 'kai' in the Greek, which means 'and also' or 'even so'. So if we will para-phrase that statement, the accurate interpretation of it will come out clearly. Okay let's do it;

"Some pastors and also teachers". This is telling us that the Pastor is also the Teacher. Let's use the other meaning in para-phrasing;

"Some pastors even so teachers". This is telling us as well that the Pastor is even the Teacher talked about. Hence it can be put as "Some pastors even teachers". - Selah

See this, If you say there is a distinct office of a Teacher, then you are saying that teaching is not the responsibility of the Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist and Pastor; and that will be a wrong submission, because our opening Bible passage clearly tells us that it is the duty of all ministry gifts to perfect the Saints, which is carried out by teaching. - Selah. If the Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist and Pastor are not teachers, how then are they to perfect the Saints? - Think about it. So you see, implying that there's an office of a Teacher separate from the office of a Pastor will do serious damage to the entire theology of our opening Bible verse.

Okay. I believe it is clear to you now. Hallelujah! God is with you. So beloved, this Article will show to us the differences between these distinct offices. God is with you.

Okay. Firstly, I'll like to point out to you that the four (4) offices have one duty. The four ministry gifts - the Apostle, the Prophet, the Evangelist, the Pastor/Teacher have just one same duty, and that duty is seen in the verse 12 of our opening Bible verse;

'For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ...' - Ephesians 4 vs 12 {KJV}

You see it, so all these Gifts are given by God to the Church to carry out one duty, which is "to perfect the Saints, to equip the Saints, to develop the Believers in the knowledge and doctrine of Christ. So this debunks a wrong notion that has been in the Church for a while now that it is the duty of the Teachers only to teach and expound the Word to the Church. Ooo no! that's an erroneous assumption. If you say so, so what's the duty of the Prophets? to shout fire? to combat witchcraft? no tell me, what then is the duty of the Evangelist? what's the duty of the Apostles? - Selah. You see, they all have one duty, and that duty is to teach, to expound the Gospel to the Church for the purpose of equipping, developing, building up into maturity, and training the Believer for the work of the ministry, bringing the Believer into maturity in the knowledge and doctrine of Christ. So the four (4) ministry gifts all have that duty to deliver to the Church. So if you are reading this Article right now, and you are called into any of these four (4) ministry offices, give yourself to the study of the Word {2 Timothy 2 vs 15} so you can effectively and rightfully divide the Word of Truth to the Believers kept under your care and watch. - Selah

Great. Now I have pointed out to you that the four (4) ministry gifts have one duty (the same duty to the Church) right? yea. Now, secondly, I'd like to point out to you that though the four (4) ministry gifts have one same duty to the Church, yet individually, they have their distinctive roles to play in the Church. So we have two subjects outlined here;

  • Their Duty to the Church,
  • Their Role in the Church.

So they perform their duty to, but they perform their role in. - Selah. Do you get it? their duty is to the Church, their role is in the Church. Take note of the terms 'to' and 'in', they make a whole lot of meaning to the explanation I'm giving you right now.

So what's their individual role? what's the role they distinctively play in the Church? let's see them.


The word Apostle in the Greek is 'Apostolos', and in simple English interpretation, it means 'A Commissioner',  one who establishes. So the Apostle is a commissioner of the Church, he is an establish-er, a planter, he establishes the Church in new grounds (places where the name of Christ has not been named). Apostle Paul has something of this nature to say;

'Yea, so have I strived to preach the gospel, not where Christ was named, lest I should build upon another man's foundation...' - Romans 15 vs 20 {KJV}

This was the move of the early Apostles, and that's why the Gospel got to us today, as a result of their labors; entering into territories where the name of Christ was not named in order to establish the Church in that geographical territory, even though it cost them their lives, they didn't care. They are anointed for this, as this is the role the Apostle plays in the Church - to establish the Church in new grounds. So even though his duty to the Church is to teach and expound the Gospel to the Church as well, yet, he has this role to play in the Church. - Selah


Sadly, in our generation, this office has been terribly abused and misunderstood. Many ignorant and proud folks have taken advantage of the title to wrought havoc in the Church to their own shame. Nevertheless, let's see the role of a Prophet in the Church.

While I set my heart on this topic to receive revelation from the Lord on these things I now speak of, the Spirit of God put in my heart how that the Prophet is the eye in the Body (the body of Christ). Ooo, the Prophet is the signal to the Church. He has the same duty of teaching and expounding the Word of God's grace to the Saints. Nevertheless, he plays this role in the Church, which is the role of 'Giving signals, instructions, by revelation'.

'And there stood up one of them named Agabus, and signified by the Spirit that there should be great dearth throughout all the world: which came to pass in the days of Claudius Ceasar.' - Acts 11 vs 28 {KJV}

You see that, that is the role of a Prophet in the Church. And by that prophecy, the Church was able to plan ahead of time so that the dearth (which means famine/shortage of food) would not overtake them to their hurt. That's the Prophet's role in the Church, to make the Church aware of divine instructions by prophetic revelations. Note the word, "the Church" not "the world".

'And as we tarried there many days, there came down from Judea a certain prophet, named Agabus.

And when he was come unto us, he took Paul's girdle, and bound his own hands and feet, and said, This saith the Holy Ghost, So shall the Jews at Jerusalem bind the man that owneth this girdle, and shall deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles.' - Acts 21 vs 10 - 11 {KING JAMES VERSION}

You see that? bringing the Church divine signals for the purposes of instruction, edification, correction and direction.

'Now there were in the church that was at Antioch certain prophets and teachers; as Barnabas, and Simeon that was called Niger, and Lucious of Cyrene, and Manaen, which had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch, and Saul.

As they ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them.' - Acts 13 vs 1 - 2 {KING JAMES VERSION}

You see that, note that the term 'certain prophets' calls for an attention, a special attention. There's a reason for that emphasis 'certain prophets', to let us know that the instruction to separate apart Paul and Barnabas for the work to which God had called them had a connection to the revelations of the Prophets. - Selah

Understood right? yes.

Now I want to make a very clear explanation on a controversial notion in the Church. Listen, there is such a thing called "Prophetic Gifts". Here I'm not talking of the office of a prophet, I'm talking about prophetic gifts as seen in 1 Corinthians 12. Now listen, that a Believer operates prophetic gifts does not mean he is a Prophet nor plays the role of a Prophet in the Church. So we can say that any Believer can have the gift of prophecy, any Believer can have the gift of word of knowledge, these does not make them Prophets, as there is an extent at which their prophetic insight can reach; it will never see into matters/instructions as concerning the Church, as that is the sole jurisdiction of the Prophet, the one who God called into that office and capacity. - Selah. They can see by reason of their prophetic gifts into matters of individuals, families, and even nations, but never will they have details as concerning certain matters of the Church because they are not in the jurisdiction/boundary of such information, that's the sole copyright of the Prophet who God has called in the Church. - Selah

Let's take some instances;

'And said unto them, Sirs, I perceive that this voyage will be with hurt and much damage, not only of the lading and ship, but also of our lives.

Nevertheless the centurion believed the master and the owner of the ship, more than those things which were spoken by Paul.' - Acts 27 vs 10 - 11 {KING JAMES VERSION}

This was a clear and accurate prophetic utterance from the Apostle Paul, this was the prophetic gift 'Word of Knowledge' in operation, but nevertheless, it does not validate Paul to be a Prophet. Though He operated this gift, yet he was not a Prophet, because any Believer can have any Spiritual gift. So if you are privileged by God to possess a prophetic gift by the Spirit, it does not validate you to be a Prophet. You are not a Prophet because you have prophetic gifts. Also, that one is a Prophet in the Church does not mean he compulsorily possesses prophetic gifts. Now this is mind tingling. Yes.

Yes, that someone is a Prophet in the Church doesn't mean he also possesses prophetic gifts. Hahahaha, it's amazing. So I can say that there are many Brethren who are not Prophets that are more prophetic in gifting than one who is a Prophet. Why? because there is a difference between prophetic gifts and the ministry of a Prophet so long as the New Testament is concerned.

So we've seen that a Prophet's role in the Church is to bring instruction, counsel, signal and afore knowledge to the Church by means of divine revelation. They alone have access to these kinds of prophetic information. - Selah


These once too have the same duty of teaching, expounding, and unveiling the mysteries of Christ and His finished works 'to' the Church, yet he has a specific role 'in' the Church, which is to carry the Gospel from one location to the other, for the purpose of speeding up the Church's job of reconciling men to God. You see it? yea. Even Apostle Paul admonished Timothy who was a Pastor to do the work of an Evangelist, and so every Believer can adopt;

'But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.' - 2 Timothy 4 vs 5 {KJV}

Yet this does not mean every Believer is an Evangelist. You see that? we are only encouraged and admonished to imitate the work of an evangelist in that they move about with the Gospel in their mouth from place to place; and if we do likewise, the Job will be done with speed and on time. - Selah


(Any of those names speaks of the same thing)

Now we've cleared the air on this earlier how that it's not the Pastor's/Teacher's sole role to teach the Gospel, it's the sole duty of all the ministry gifts to do so. The Apostle Paul taught the Gospel yet wasn't a Pastor/Teacher by office;

'Whereunto I am ordained a preacher, and an apostle, (I speak the truth in Christ and lie not;) a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and verity.' - 1 Timothy 2 vs 7 {KJV}

You see that? He was a teacher as well because it's his duty to do so as we have seen in Ephesians 4 vs 11 - 12. The four (4) ministry gifts (Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor/Teacher) equip the Believer by teaching, expounding. Okay.

Now see this also, Judas and Silas were Prophets, but they gave themselves to the teaching of the Gospel. That's their duty to the Church as well as a Prophet which they were;

'And Judas and Silas, being prophets also themselves, exhorted the brethren with many words, and confirmed them.' - Acts 15 vs 32 {KJV}

Apostle Peter was a teacher of the Jews. You see, it's not just the duty of the Teacher or Pastor alone to teach and explain the Gospel with depths, no! but the duty of them all. Nevertheless, the Pastor has a distinctive and specific role to play in the Church, which is to watch over the Brethren, attending to their very needs and physical state. Yes, this is the art of a Shepherd, and that's the role of a Pastor in the Church;

The Pastor is the one with the role of enforcing Helps to the Brethren in the Church, seeing that he is the one with them, he is the face they see, he is the head and instructor of a local church. One of the Old Testament Prophets that played this pastoral role massively was Moses. Consider his ordeal with the people in the wilderness, that's a type or figure of the Pastor's role in the Church.

'If any man or woman that believeth have widows, let them relieve them, and let not the church be charged; that it may relieve them that are widows indeed.' - 1 Timothy 5 vs 16 {KJV}

Take note of the line of words, 'that it may relieve them that are widows indeed.' You see that? this was the Apostle Paul writing to his son in Christ, Timothy, who was a Pastor, pastoring a local church. He was instructing him how to go about his ministry; and we see that this was a case of the Pastor attending to the physical need and state of the brethren. You see? this is the Pastor's role in the Church - he enforces Helps to the Brethren, and watches over not just their Spiritual state, but their physical state the more. - Selah. The Pastor's role is such that, if one is not called into the pastoral office, and he attempts to be one by himself without the divine call, he is sure to be frustrated by its role.

So it's clear to us now that there is a duty for the four (4) ministry gifts to perform to the Church, it's same; yet, there are roles, individual roles they play in the Church for the entire good of all the body parts.

It's glad to see you have an understanding, a changed and perfect scope of view as concerning the differences between the four (4) ministry gifts which God has given to the Church.

God has blessed you.
- Jenning U. Angel


  1. Very insightful Sir!
    GOD bless you

  2. Thanks for taking time to hit the nail on the head of the matter that matters most, in times like this.

  3. Thanks sir, I was blessed but please throw more light on a prophet and the gift of prophecy.

  4. Regardless of bible translation there are are five separate Greek words used to describe the ministry gifts. So how can anyone say there are 4. They are completely disregarding the original text. Though I see the author uses another Greek word so why not back up this claim with Greek scripture. The word used for pastor is Poimenas which also means Shepard. The word used for teacher is Didaskalous which also means Doctor, Master. These words are found in the Strongs Exhaustive Concordance as well as others. Though I agree Pastors are also Teachers but in this case it is bot the same.


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