Wednesday, December 24, 2014


‘But when Jesus heard that, he said unto them, They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick.’ - Matthew 9 vs 12

Dearly beloved of God, do you know Jesus came into this world for the broken hearted? For the guilty? For those condemned and suffer guilt? Read the words of this article and be at peace in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

From our opening Bible passage, we see a profound statement the Lord Jesus made, He said, ‘They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick.’ Amazing. That statement was a parable which embeds so much truth. By that statement, Jesus is saying, those who are condemned, in guilt, accused by the devil, broken, rejected, abused, are the ones who need a Savior, and not those who are self-righteous, and conceited in their uprightness, who feel no need for help.

Dearly beloved of God, do you feel you are not good for God because of your sins? Do you think God has ignored and forgotten you because of the grievousness of your sins? Do you think God is angry at you because of your sinful habit(s)? Don’t you know that if there were no sick people, there would be no need for doctors? - Selah. Likewise any sinner, that is the very reason God manifested Himself in the flesh in His Son Jesus Christ, that those who have strayed so far might be brought back home, that the condemned may be set at liberty, that the guilty in conscience, they that suffer guilt may be set at peace, peace that passeth all understanding with unspeakable joy. This is the very reason Jesus came, beloved.

So friend, Jesus is what you need, Jesus is the solution and the answer your soul has long yearned for, Jesus is the end to confusion in your life, Jesus is the end to guilt in your life, Jesus is the end to darkness in your life. So you have every reason to be happy, because you have an answer to the questions of your heart, and the answer is JESUS; because, the physician of your soul liveth, His name is Jesus, He liveth forevermore. Amen. Glory to God.

When the devil say to you, ‘You guilty sinner’, simply say ‘Yea, I am guilty, I am condemned, I am a sinner, but thank God I have a savior who has come to heal my broken heart, to quench my guilt, and give peace to my guilty conscience.’ You say to the devil, ‘I thank my God that Jesus came only for the SINNERS of which I am one, I am grateful to God for considering sinners in His salvation plan.’ 

Beloved, saying words like these to the devil, is breaking his back-bone, and bringing tears to his eyes. Congratulations! Can’t you see you have no need to remain in hopelessness because of the guilt of sin? Why? Because you have a Saviour who is THE PRINCE OF PEACE, the One that giveth PEACE without measures, the one that satisfieth the heart of the guilty with JOY. Ooo! What hope you have my dear friend. Thank you Lord Jesus.

‘Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.’ - Isaiah 1 vs 18 {KJV}

The devil always makes you feel like, God is angry at you because of your sins, and you dare not go close to God! But this scripture makes it obvious to us that those thinkings and notions were strictly from the devil himself the father of lies. How bad are you? How RED are your sins? Are they as red as scarlet? are they as red as crimson? I love to let you know that God eagerly welcomes you into His arms, He is the one calling out to you and not the one expelling you. The devil only tricks you that God is very angry at you, he tells that lie to you in order to keep you away from Salvation; but thanks be unto God for this teaching today. All you need do, is to reason things out with God in prayer, a simple prayer at that, and we find that prayer in Romans 10 vs 9;

‘That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.’ - Romans 10 vs 9 {KJV}

All you need do is BELIEVE that God raised up Jesus from the dead for your justification, and confess/acknowledge His Lordship over your life by saying, "From today and forever, Jesus Christ is the Lord of my life." When you do that, you will suddenly experience His PEACE flowing in your heart, He will not fail to do that to you, He won't. God loves you my dear friend.

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen.

- Jenning U. Angel

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