Monday, November 27, 2017

AT YOUR CURRENT STATE *A Revelation Of The Grace Of GOD*

‘In those days shall Judah be saved, and Jerusalem shall dwell safely: and this is the name wherewith she shall be called, The LORD our righteousness.’ – Jeremiah 33 vs 16

Hello Dearly Beloved in the Precious Blessed LORD JESUS. The LORD continually desires that HIS Church wholly, completely and totally come into HIS Rest and enjoy HIS Peace, Living in the Peace of GOD continually. Be Lifted! AMEN.

I like to ask a question right now, What’s your current state? Broken? Crushed in heart? Guilty? Messed up? What’s your current state right now?. Maybe you have gone so astray, and you really don’t think you can come back to GOD, restored; maybe you have lost hope of reconciling with GOD by reason of your many offenses which you have done against GOD. But hear the Word of GOD to you right now, At your current state, at your present state, the LORD is your Righteousness. – Selah

Our opening passage informs us that the LORD is our Righteousness, that was a Prophecy by the Prophet Jeremiah concerning the New Testament people of GOD of which we are today by the Precious Grace of GOD. Wait a minute, the LORD is our Eternal, our Everlasting Righteousness, because Hebrews 9 vs 12 informs us that JESUS obtained Eternal Redemption for us. That means that the LORD is our Everlasting Righteousness. Do you get it?. Yes. What’s GOD saying? If the LORD is our Everlasting Righteousness, it therefore means that today I am Righteous without a fault before Daddy GOD, because JESUS my Righteousness is the expression of Perfection; tomorrow I am Righteous before Daddy GOD, even every day unto Eternity with the LORD, I am ever Righteous. Praise GOD forever. We are not Righteous of ourselves because our everyday lives makes that point clear that we aren’t of ourselves Righteous; hold on, that’s why it is called Grace, a Favour not deserved but given. You see, because of HIS Grace and Great Love towards us, GOD decided of HIS own will to become our Righteousness, thereby declaring that HE will never find us guilty nor with a fault. So my friend, what’s your current state? At this very state of yours, at this sinful state of yours, at this guilty state of yours, at this messed up state of yours, GOD says you are not guilty! GOD says you are without sin! GOD says you are faultless! GOD says you are without errors! Because JESUS CHRIST the Blessed LORD is your Righteousness, our Righteousness. HE concludes you based on JESUS Perfection and not based on your works of perfection and error. – Selah

GOD Bless You.
- Jenning U. Angel


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