Sunday, September 17, 2017

GOD IS NOT MAD AT YOU - An Insight into the FATHER's Love

'And when he cometh home, he calleth together his friends and neighbours, saying unto them, Rejoice with me; for I have found my sheep which was lost.' - Luke 15 vs 6

Hello dearly beloved in the LORD JESUS. In this teaching, I will be addressing a painful feeling that grips the hearts of men (speaking more especially to the Believers) at some points in their lives by reason of their scarlet mistakes. Be blessed and lifted in JESUS Name. AMEN.

I could imagine a Brother who said, He feels He has exhausted GOD's Grace on His life because He has committed sins GOD has forgiven Him for in times past, and He knowing the Grace of GOD that has saved the Believer, yet He still found Himself in that same sin. How frustrated and depressed He was, looking so disconnected from GOD. Uhmmm. But I have a question, 'is that how GOD actually sees Him? Is that what GOD actually thinks of Him?' We will see as we continue reading. But before I go ahead and expatiate our opening scripture, I want to share something with you which the Holy Spirit said to me in the place of prayer; the SPIRIT made it clear to me saying, 'GOD's Word is stronger than the greatest of our offences.' For example, the LORD said in John 3 vs 16 that '...whosoever believes in HIM should not perish but have everlasting life.' Now, this is a Believer that has committed an offence, and the devil brings railing words of condemnation into His hearing that He's gonna perish because of His offence or offences. The question is, will that Believer perish? No! The Word has said whosoever believes in CHRIST should not perish but have Eternal Life. So it's not a question of His sins, but a question of does He believe the Written Word! If He believes, irrespective of His sins, His sins are too weak to change GOD's Word that has said the one that Believes has Eternal Life and should not perish. Glory to GOD. You see... So this was the picture the Holy Spirit brought to my view having said that Word to me. I hope it was a Blessing to you, I just thought to share it. Thank you.

Now coming to our opening Bible passage, let us see what led to that saying, so let's read the entire story of that passage;

'3 And he spake this parable unto them, saying,
4 What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it
5 And when he hath found it, he layeth it on his shoulders, rejoicing.
6 And when he cometh home, he calleth together his friends and neighbours, saying unto them, Rejoice with me; for I have found my sheep which was lost.' - Luke 15 vs 3 - 6 {KING JAMES VERSION}

Waow. There are a few things I want you to observe which I want to point out to you, and I have underlined them out for you in the passages. Now let's see them. Observe the verse 4, the LORD makes mention of the Word sheep, HE says there were hundred sheep and one was lost, some other rendering of this story will say one went astray. Now observe, the verse did not say that the one that went astray was a goat, no, they were all hundred sheep; in-fact another rendering of this story will say that they were Righteous sheep. That shows us the picture of that Believer who is GOD's child indeed but fell to sin. You get that? Okay. Now there's another underlined word there which says 'until HE find it.' Who is that 'HE' the LORD was referring to? HE was talking of the FATHER in a parable. The LORD is saying, when we go astray, when we fall, GOD is not against us, GOD is not mad at us, GOD is not against us to afflict us with sickness and diseases because of our sins, no. But GOD is out after us to ensure our safety, to ensure our Peace, to ensure we are not lost, to ensure we are not exposed to the attacks of the devil. That's the reason for that expression of word 'until HE find it'. Meaning the FATHER goes after us when we are down, when we fall, until HE achieves HIS aim in us, which is to give us Peace. Hallelujah! - Selah

There's another point I want to draw your attention to, the LORD said the Shepherd will leave the ninety nine in the wilderness and go after that one which is lost. Waow! And I began to imagine, didn't the Shepherd care what might befall the ninety nine in the wilderness? The wilderness has wild beasts, the wilderness has terrible serpents, and HE left them there because of one? Wait, HE could have thought, I still have ninety nine intact, that lost one can go! But not JESUS! As I pondered on those thoughts, JESUS said to me, 'that's to show you the depth, the  height, the width and the extent of the FATHER's Love for HIS children. Oooo what Peace came into my heart! That parable was to show to us the unsearchableness of GOD's Love for us who believe in JESUS. Glory to GOD. You know, many people have read that parable in the Bible, but too many didn't realise it's meaning.

Beloved, GOD is not mad at you! Go ahead and love the LORD, worship your FATHER, HE wants you to know that HE is in Love with you. Wait a minute, why are you seeing this post at such a time as now? Why is this post been a Blessing to you at such a time? I think it's a proof that GOD is indeed truly in Love with you, because HE has seen your grief and sorrow, HE has heard your pain, and HE is sending you HIS Word at such a time as this to heal you of your grief and sorrow and give you Peace! AMEN.

'He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.' - Psalm 107 vs 20 {KJV}

You see that? When GOD wants to heal HIS people, HE sends them HIS Word!

Be free! Be relieved! Know this day that GOD Loves You.

GOD is with you.
- Jenning U. Angel

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