Wednesday, March 04, 2015


‘Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.’ – John 17 vs 17

Hello Dearly Beloved, this message is born out of an unfeigned faith in the Lord which is not found amongst man that believe, and the Lord wants to plant such a faith in the hearts of His children through this teaching such that peace will be birthed in the heart of the hurting and guilty and answers for what ever desires that may be. Be Blessed.

Brothers and Sisters, so many of us have not truly believed the scriptures, we just merely believe it, but wee have not truly acknowledged it as TRUTH. Form our opening scripture, the Lord declared that the word of God is truth. When it is said that something is TRUTH, what does it mean? It means the fact, statement, or circumstance is an assured Reality, it is as it is, it is as said or as depicted. So God’s word been truth means God’s word is a Reality, it is just as it is, it is just as said, and it is just as depicted to us in the scriptures. – Selah

Now, let us reason something together, if God has said in His word that by the stripes of Jesus you were healed {1 Peter 2 vs24} and His word is Truth {Reality, as it is, as it is said, as it is depicted}, why then is this your health condition still obvious? – Selah. If God has said in His word that He will forgive you of all trespasses (No matter how bad) {1 John 1 vs 9} when you come to Him, why then are you still hurting with the guilt of this sin? Is His word not truth? – Selah

My Dearly Beloved in the Lord Jesus, what you need to realize is that God’s word is truth. Acknowledge every of God’s word as shown us in scriptures, and actively stay your mind on it, make God’s word your only resort, and forget yourself in it. Is that a sore throat I see? Forget about it because by His stripes the sore throat was taking away! Is that a tumor I see in your belly? Forget about it because by His stripes the tumor was taking away! Is that guilt I see in your heart? Rejoice because Jesus Christ came to save sinners which you are one!

Stay your mind on God’s word, Rest your entire life on it, Forget about your conditions because of what God has said about them, and you will find out that they were never there but were only a mirage and were never real. By the time you check again, you’d be a completely free man, an every wit whole being. – Selah

That is what we need to realize, the WORD is TRUTH, it can be depended on!

God Bless You.
- Jenning U. Angel


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